Test and Tag

Test and Tag
Test and Tag

So, what does test and tag involve? It is a means to show that a device is electrically safe, but not necessary working. It means that you can plug the device into mains power safely without jeopardizing personnel.

The frequency of testing of devices is dependent on the environment in which the device is being used; a factory floor use is different to a motel or office use.

Basically, testing has two parts with the first one being that the earth is continuous from the earth pin on the plug all the way to the exposed metal parts of the device. The second part checks for any leakage from the active and neutral wires to earth.

The frequency of testing varies with the type of work place. Table 4 of AS/NZS 3760:2010 gives an indicative testing interval for different work environment, for example, if operating an office from home where the supply cord is subjected to flexing in normal use then every 12 months but if you run a motel where the supply cord is not subjected to flexing in normal use then you would be looking at testing every 24 months, but if you have an engineering or welding business that the devices on the workshop floor where the supply cord is subjected to flexing in normal use then it needs to be tested every 6 months.

If you run a business where you can have a factory floor, an office space, equipment used for commercial cleaning and you hire out equipment than it is possible to have a number of different cycles for testing.